Red Raspberries are usually ready from the last week of June to just before July 4.
Our berries are grown organically. They are not sprayed. Raspberries are a fragile fruit and should be cooled and prepared as soon as possible. We sell through a “Pick Your Own” patch and do some preordered picking. The ‘pick your own patch’ is easily accessed, you may pick in the morning sun or the cooler late afternoon shade. The patch in a normal year is open 3-4 weeks.
Although the name of our raspberry variety was lost long ago, they are an easy to pick, medium-sized, flavorful, a great fresh, freezer, sauce and jam berry. We call them “Mary Ellen’s” as they came from my mother’s patch 30 years ago and she had been growing them for 15 years before that. All she remembered was that they were a Canadian variety and that’s all we need to know!
Picking Guidelines:
- Please call for a recording of the most current availability and pricing – 603-783-4287.
- Please observe all rules for the benefit of all our customers, the farm and yourselves.
- Close-toed shoes are recommended as bees, hornets and yellow jackets will be present.
- Avoid picking light red berries with yellow or white tips. Look for the deep red that drop off easily.
- Be careful not to over fill your container or you will have smashed berries on the bottom.
- Do not climb on or shake the bushes. Do not climb on the fencing or trellising.
- Children are welcome but must be accompanied by and stay with an adult at all times. Remember these are very prickly bushes.
- It is preferred that pets not visit the farm but, if they do come they must be leased and must stay out of the garden and animal areas .
- No smoking.
Checking in
When you arrive at the farm, the PYO Raspberry patch is opposite the little “Yellow House” which has everything you need for your picking. You may bring your own container or buy one of ours. First, weigh your container and follow the day’s notice as to which rows to pick. When you have finished, re-weigh your pickings and pay by cash, check or Square.
Pick-Your-Own with our containers (with your container, $1.00 less)
¼ pint @ $3.00
½ pint @ $5.00
1 pint @ $8.00
1 quart @ $ 14.00
Pick by preorder
¼ pint @ $5.00
½ pint @ $7.00
1 pint @ 10.00
1 quart @ $18.00